Personalized therapy for you.
Therapy for individuals in California.
Get started with Robyn, today.
You value hard work and getting things done. But sometimes you feel so down that you can’t do what you need and want to do. You blame yourself for it, playing the “should” game. I want you to stop should-ing yourself. If you’re too depressed to do anything, there’s help.
If you’re a perfectionistic, high-achiever but something feels “off,” you may benefit from therapy in California. If you sometimes feel depressed and then super anxious or full of energy that you don’t know what to do with, there’s also help. Sometimes that burst of energy feels great and lets you get a lot done, but then you crash back into depression. It’s a cycle that just keeps going.
You’ve worked so hard for the life you have, but something isn’t lining up when it comes to your mental health. It can be hard to know what’s wrong. If it’s affecting your relationships, performance at work, and self-esteem, it’s time to try online therapy in California.
Being the best version of yourself is something that you value, and yet things feel off. You may be a workaholic or put your self-care last. This can affect many parts of your life, including your relationships and your performance at work.
If you struggle with depression and what feels like severe anxiety or energy that just won’t let you come down to your baseline, you may have Bipolar Disorder. This is what I specialize in.
I’m the right therapist for you if you have intrusive thoughts and images that you can’t seem to get rid of. Some are obsessive about cleaning, hand washing, and getting things just right or perfect. If it feels like the world will stop if you don’t do a task exactly the way it “should” be done, you might have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I also specialize in working with people who have OCD.
Coping with the unexpected, such as a breakup, can be difficult. When an individual experiences a breakup they might contemplate their life without their former partner, reminisce on shared memories, envision an altered future without this person, experience disruptions in sleep or changes in appetite, and struggle with constant waves of emotions. All of these are natural occurrences following a breakup. Processing a break up is natural and can be helpful. If you would like assistance with this, I can help.
If any of this speaks to you, please know that you’re not alone. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s time to find the right therapist to help you with your mental health. You just might benefit from therapy in California with a licensed professional who works with Bipolar Disorder, OCD, and relationships.
About the Therapist
Robyn Tamanaha, LMFT
I’ve been practicing therapy for more than 10 years. I specialize in working with people who have Bipolar Disorder and OCD. I value authenticity, compassion, creativity, connection, equality, and growth. My mission is to help you continue to move forward in life. I won’t hold you back by expecting you to stay with me. In fact, I want to see you grow and move beyond needing to meet regularly with me.
Areas of Expertise
I’m licensed to work with a wide range of people, but I specialize in working with people with Bipolar Disorder and OCD. I enjoy watching the growth in my clients as they learn to manage their mood and use effective strategies when OCD gets in the way.
Bipolar Disorder
If you’ve ever experienced mood shifts or if you’ve had difficulty dealing with depression and you want to jump out of your skin, you might have Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that goes from either feeling low or neutral to euphoric or having a heightened sense of self. Some individuals with Bipolar I Disorder only experience heightened irritability or an extreme increase in energy.
That feeling, the euphoria or heightened sense of self are what’s known as hypomania and mania. This is what people with Bipolar Disorder deal with. If you don’t get fully manic, but you use your hypomanic states to get things done and work work work, you may have Bipolar II.
The swing from hypomania to depression is one of the things that makes Bipolar Disorder so difficult. When you’re depressed, it’s hard not to feel like it’s your fault. You feel like you “should” be “better.” It’s as if you have this little voice in your head telling you you’re not doing enough or that you’re not good enough.
With Bipolar Disorder II, the hypomania “high” isn’t as intense as the depressive “low.” It still can really start to affect you if you’re trying to go about your business untreated. This is where therapy in California can really help manage your mood and help you get to homeostasis.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be really difficult to live with. When people say they’re struggling with OCD, they usually mean that they:
Need things to be a certain way or in a certain order
Clean a lot
Ask others for reassurance
Check things continuously
Spend endless amounts of time researching their worries
Change the wording of emails and texts
Like things organized
People with OCD have tendencies to perform an action over and over and make sure everything is in its place, but that’s not the whole of it.
Emotional distress drives people who have OCD. It’s hard when your whole life feels overtaken by this disorder. And the fact is, OCD is a disorder, it isn’t you.
But it can feel like it when you just can’t turn it off. You may have compulsions to check something frequently or stay in the house because you’re afraid to leave it. Fear is a big part of having OCD. Fear of the unknown, fear of what will happen if you don’t check something multiple times a day, fear of what it will do to your relationships.
You may struggle with intrusive thoughts and feel that you need to get rid of those thoughts. You might even be afraid of your thoughts. Attending to your mental state may cause fear if you haven’t done that before. New is scary, especially if you don’t fully understand what’s happening. We’ll work through it together. I use Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP) to treat OCD. This is an effective treatment for OCD. CLICK HERE to learn more.
What to Expect From Online Therapy in California With Robyn
I want to help you have a balanced life while still achieving your goals. We’ll work on prioritizing self-care, how to manage drastic changes in your mood, and stopping explosive outbursts that are usually caused by burnout.
If you’ve never been in therapy before, that’s ok. We’ll start with where you are and look at where you want to go. I’m very collaborative and I tailor your sessions to meet your unique needs. In therapy in California with me, you’ll have real conversations about what’s going on. I’ll listen but also dive in with you to do the work together.
Most of my practice is online. If you’ve never done online therapy before, that’s ok. It doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, many people prefer it to coming into an office. You don’t have to commute, there’s no uncomfortable waiting room, and you can meet with me in the privacy of your own home in a space that feels safe and comfortable for you. Online therapy in California is a great option!
When it comes to what you can expect from me, I’m not your typical “nod and smile therapist.” I’ll get right into the work with you with a non-judgmental, curious mind. I want you to walk away from our sessions with takeaways and tools that can help you manage your mood and symptoms. I don’t treat symptoms, though – I treat people.
Some of my clients like it when I give them homework. I get creative with homework – it won’t just be worksheets and workbooks. I’ll match your homework to your personal needs. If you’re a creative person, I’ll give you something creative to do. If you’re very active, we’ll try something that fits into your interests and strengths.
My goal, as strange as it may sound, is for you to not need me anymore. I want to help you build your independence and play a part in your growth. The end goal is for you to not be a weekly client forever. Some people choose to stay in therapy for the long haul, which is great because we can all always use help. But many people eventually taper from weekly meetings to every other week, then maybe a once-a-month check-in, and then finally moving forward with the tools and strategies that we’ve worked on together.
Are you ready to make changes that serve you and your mental health? Book a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit!
How to Get Started
Complete the Phone Consultation
Schedule a free 15-minute phone call consultation on Calendly. Robyn will call you at the time you select. If it is a good fit, you will be scheduled for your first appointment.
Complete Forms Online
Complete intake forms on the secure client portal no later than 24-hours before your first appointment.
Start Therapy
You will have your first intake assessment appointment. Then weekly 50-minute therapy sessions.